MHS Class of 1970's


This is our online registration form for our April 28, 2018, get together at the Eagles Lodge in Forestdale. Information added to this form will be used only to determine the number of attendees to the reunion and to give you options for paying attendance fees.

If you would rather, you may download the paper registration form.

Please make certain to complete ALL fields before you submit this online form so that we will have all the information we need. Once you have completed the form, click the Submit button. At that time you will be taken to a screen where you can pay via our PayPal automated account.

Full Name:

Year Graduated:

Spouses's Name (include maiden name):

Spouse Graduate from MHS?
Year Spouse Graduated:

Reservation Type:
NOTE: Rates increase to $20/$40 after April 9th
Street Address:



Telephone Number (include area code):

E-mail Address:

Once you click Submit below, you will be taken to a page which will provide information about sending your payment in or paying via a PayPal account.