Gateway Community Action Partnership
Volunteer Application
Department or Position Applying For:(If unknown, type "General")

Street Address:




Zip Code:

Phone Number:


Date of birth: (mm/dd/yyyy)

Emergency Contact- Name:

Emergency Contact- Phone:

If you are under 18, do you have a sponsor?*

Please note: Minors under 18 must be sponsored to volunteer by a sending organization or a parent/guardian.

Sponsor Name:

Sponsor Contact Number:


How did you learn about volunteer opportunities with Gateway?

Areas of interest (Please check all that apply)

Skills (Please Check all that apply)
Additional Comments (Skills, experience, etc)

Availability- How often can you volunteer?*
If you are available to volunteer regularly, how many hours can you serve each time?

Days and times available (Check all that apply) 
If you plan to volunteer on a regular, weekly basis with any of our childcare programs, you are required to have a physical and a Tuberculosis test and submit to a background check and fingerprinting.
If you have ever been convicted of a crime or have pending charges, please explain offense and surrounding circumstances. (This information remains confidential.)

Are you willing to submit to a Child Abuse Record Information and Fingerprinting Check?*
Please list two references (at least one non-relative) with current address and phone numbers.


Signature Date: (mm/dd/yyyy)


If under 18

Parent/Guardian/Sending Agency Signature

Parent/Guardian/Sending Agency Phone:

Parent/Guardian/Sending Agency E-mail: